(Common Law Copyright by Daisy G. Collins-Russell)

shutterstock_94373629We African Americans are citizens of the United States of America. We are entitled to all the rights and privileges of citizens of the United States of America, just as all citizens are. This is our country. This is the country of all Americans.

To persons who say they have “to take back their country”—I ask “back from whom?”

Enslaved African Americans (from whom present-day African Americans are legally entitled to inherit) literally gave their lives and liberty to establish this country—the United States of America. Our African American Ancestors were the ultimate patriots. “Patriotism” means “… loyal…support of one’s own country….”   What more can one do than to work tirelessly to establish a country and literally give his or her life and liberty for the country? That is what enslaved African Americans did! They were the “Founding Laborers®” of this country!

Many of our “Founding Laborers®” were brilliant individuals. All of our “Founding Laborers®” made indispensable contributions to the building of the United States of America. We celebrate George Washington and others—many of whom were slaveholders–as the “Founding Fathers” of this country. Our African American Ancestors should be celebrated and appreciated as the “Founding LaborersR” they were.   Instead, they are often ridiculed and vilified! “The Hypocrisy Is Stifling®”!

banner-wihtout2No one can credibly deny the fact that without the contributions of the unpaid forced labor of our African American Ancestors (from whom present-day African Americans are legally entitled to inherit), the United States of America definitely would not be the economic power it is today. In addition, without the very significant contributions of African Americans after the end of legal slavery in this country, the United States of America would not be the country it is today. Moreover, African Americans have participated in a very meaningful way in every major war involving the United States—beginning with the Revolutionary War.   Clearly, African Americans are citizens of the United States of America.

What do persons mean when they say “We have to take back our country?”   Now is the time for everyone in the public discourse to think and to meditate on the effect their words are having on others.   Are they creating a climate encouraging violence? They must remember that many persons with poor judgment will be influenced by their words.

It is time for all politicians and all others in leadership positions to refrain from demagoguing. It is time for them to be more concerned about the United States of America than about their own careers. It is time for them to search their souls and to do what they honestly believe is the right thing to do. It is time for them to have morality-based convictions and to have the courage of their morality-based convictions.